The past two weekends have been jammed pack with baby showers! We had our Texas shower on May 28th and then had an Oklahoma shower on June 4th.
Our Texas shower was hosted by all the lovely ladies in mine and Andrew's family; Judy, my mom; Mary, Andrew's mom; Kristi, my sister; Heather Marshall, sis-in-law and Heather McGuire, sis-in-law. We had it at Andrew's brother's house in Fort Worth. It was a couple's shower and was full of family, close family friends and close high school and college friends of ours. It was a great turnout and we felt so blessed to have everyone there! Here are a few pics from the shower!
The dessert table. The cake was so cute and it was D-E-L-I-C-I-O-U-S!! It was carrot cake (our fav with cream cheese icing)!!
Cute 'Avery' burp clothes made by a close family friend!

All the guys in the family playing a little shower game!

The Marshall & McGuire Clans!

Our Oklahoma shower was hosted by some of my girlfriends up here; Lindsay, Jessica, Amber, Lisa, Karen, Ashley and Maegan. It was so good to have a fun group of girls get together and I absolutely love all of them! I have some very creative and talented friends who handmade gifts for Avery! Here are some pics from the shower!
Pretty diaper cake!
Cute outfit my mom sent for Avery!
All the preggo girls at the shower! 
Gorgeous lamp made by Jessica for Avery's nursery! 
Adorable painting made by Amber with Avery's initials to put above her crib!
The gorgeous hostesses!
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