The last 3 months have seemed like the longest months ever. We FINALLY met with the specialist on Thursday for our consult to go over ALL the tests they have ran on me and Andrew and to go over, as the doc put it, "what we found and what we didn't find". We ended up leaving the doc feeling very relieved and gracious. They could not find anything wrong or abnormal with any of my blood work except for my prolatin (hormone) level being high. For those of you who follow the blog, you know that they informed me about 2 months ago about this level being high and since then I have been treating it with some medication. This was also why I had to have the MRI to make sure there was not a tumor that could be causing the high level (prolactin is produced by the pituitary gland in the brain). Good news, no pituitary gland tumor and the mediation is working and is keeping my prolatin levels where they should be! So, from ALL the blood work, that is the only thing that came back 'wrong'. In regards to all the other testing: chromosomal, auto-immune disorder, structural (making sure the uterus is in good shape), and a few others; everything came back normal. Praise God! Obviously we left the appointment with a lot of hope and optimism.
So I am sure you all are wondering, "now what?". Well they basically told us we could start trying again right away and that they will also start treating me with progesterone since the high prolactin was causing low progesterone and low blood flow to the uterus. So, we will keep you all posted and in the meantime, please continue to keep us in your prayers. Also, out of respect, we would greatly appreciate it if people would not ask us every month how it's going. We will defiantly keep our family and close friends updated as we see fit.
We are excited and grateful for the good news and look forward to see how God will continue to bless us.
On a side note. I wanted to share something that God has laid on my heart and I want to share it in case someone else needs His encouragement.
" 'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future'." -Jeremiah 29:11
I have read this verse MANY times and I am in Bible Study and was reading today and it referenced to look up Jeremiah 29:11. Well, let me back up to about a month or so ago. I was going through a rough spot and my Dad and I were talking about giving our worries and concerns over to God. In to which I answered that I felt like I had and that I felt that I was constantly giving these worries to God. But through our wonderful human nature I was always taking these back and not relying completely on God. My Dad gave me the idea of actually writing these worries and concernes on a sheet of paper and to put that in the middle of my Bible and each time I start to let those worries creep back into my mind/heart, that I should go to His Word and acknowledge that I have already given those worries to God and that He is in control of them. So, today when I went to look up Jeremiah 29:11, guess what I found tucked in my Bible where Jeremiah 1 starts? Yep, my piece of paper of my worries and concerns. When I placed this in my Bible months ago, I just opened up my Bible and just put it in there, not regarding to where in the Bible I was placing it. I know that today God wanted to remind me of that commitment I made to Him and those worries and concerns that I have already given to him. I just had to stop in the midst of my Bible study lesson and just praise God for being so good and so loving and so caring. I hope that if any of you are struggling and going through rough times, to just let God be in control. I will be the first to tell you that that is not an easy task for us humans to do and at times it feels like you are all alone and that all these "bad things" are happening only to you and at all the same time. But, luckly we have a gracious Father who forgives us and gently reminds us that He is there for us and He has plans for us and that His plans are not to harm you but to give you hope and a future. Believe it and cling to it! I KNOW that God has a greater vision for my future than I can see or imagine. I KNOW that God will use all my worries, concerns, and hardships to make me stronger use these things for good!
Love you all and enjoy the gorgeous Fall weather!
Dream Vacay - London/Paris
2 months ago
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