Okay, so I have not fallen off the face of the earth. Just been busy and truthfully, just really not ready to give an update.
So, we met with the specialist and the initial appointment went fine. Basically the doc just explained all the reasons why miscarriages happen. Not like I hadn't researched all these millions of times. However, we really liked her and the nurses. The doc set me up for some extensive blood work. Basically, they check EVERYTHING and then look into it all and then go from there. So, a couple days later I went to do lab work. I gave about 25 vials of blood, yes, 25. It was crazy. They said all the blood work could take about a month to get back, so we would just schedule another appointment to discuss everything in about 6 weeks.
Well, about a week ago, the doc called and explained that one of my hormones, prolactin, came back on the high end, and it should not be high right now. They wanted me to get a MRI to
"rule out some stuff". Prolactin is produced by your brain, hence the MRI. High prolactin is a cause of either 1) your body just produces too much or 2) there is a tumor or excess skin on the pituitary gland. So, of course I panicked. They can't get me in for a MRI till August 23rd. So, needless to say, these next 2 weeks are going to be LONG. They are re-running my prolactin level to make sure it wasn't just a "fluck". We should get those results back tomorrow. Also, I have been in to the doc the 3 times this week giving blood on my progesterone.
It has been a long road and at times I just want to throw in the towel and let God be God and just go back to the "natural" way of getting pregnant. I guess we will just have to find our "normal". God is good and He has a plan, now it's just being patient and waiting on Him to reveal His plan. I know He will bless us with a family, so we will just have to wait and see! Please continue to pray for us, we truly appreciate it! I will keep you all posted!
Dream Vacay - London/Paris
2 months ago