We have been so busy lately. I recently had a 5 day conference in Dallas for work, so I am still trying to recover from that! Andrew is, of course, busy with baseball. I don't know when we will slow down. Once high school baseball ends, then he picks up with Summer leagues. I am still job searching. I actually had an interview this week with
OU! I am keeping my fingers crossed! We are also STILL house hunting. We are kind of holding off because if anything happens with this
OU job we might choose to live closer to Norman than expected since the job will call for some nights and weekends.
The dogs are good. Shelby has finally stopped peeing in her kennel! She is growing up. We can leave her in there all day and she does great. However, she is still digging holes in the backyard if she gets bored. Her and Pepper are the best of buds though! Somehow we ended up with a little kids small soccer ball in our backyard....I bet a neighborhood kid
accidentally kicked it in our yard. Well, now the
dogs have taken over it. Pepper LOVES it! It's funny because Shelby can't put it in her mouth, the ball is too big. So, Pepper just runs around the backyard with the ball in her mouth and Shelby grabs on by her mouth to Pepper's collar and they run around the backyard like that. It is too funny to watch. Pepper is just too nice to get onto Shelby for annoying her.
Some good friends of ours, Doug and Maegan
Soell, are coming into town this weekend. A group of us are going to dinner on Saturday evening! Gives me something to look forward to! Maegan is about 4-5 months pregnant with their first kid...a little girl! So, it will be fun to see her and see her cute, little belly! Besides that, Andrew has some
baseball games this weekend. I plan on resting up, working out, and cleaning the house!